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The Earth's End Available April 2015

The Earth's End Available April 2015

“Everybody walks past a thousand story ideas every day.  The good writers are the ones who see five or six of them.  Most people don't see any.”

-Orson Scott Card

Welcome to my website!  I hope that you enjoy my books as much as I enjoy writing them.  We are limited only by our imagination and with each book written a new story is born.  Please follow my journey on social media and feel free to send reviews and comments, as this adventure is just beginning!

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a bedtime adventure Series

This series of children’s books have Mom's bedtime stories taking Alex, his cousin Victoria and Elmo on amazing adventures around the world.  The stories are action packed with the promise of adventure, mystery, extreme sports, monsters, ancient ruins, and discoveries of a lifetime!  Where reality meets imagination!

A Guardian Series


Between the earths dying, sorcerers trying to take over the universe and an alien invasion 14-year-old Alexander Pierce and his cousin Victoria have more challenges than passing there highschool exams.  The Guardian series is an extrordinary journey of friendship, magic, strange creatures, and new worlds!

Author Visits


Stories, Learning, Interaction, Creativity, fun……


Susan has a natural ability to inspire.  With her high energy and friendly nature she has an easy way of demystifying the writing process, inspiring creativity and validates teachers.  She makes writing real for kids.

SUSAN AGUILO      |      Canadian Children's Author      |      Toronto, ON      |      Canada      |

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